Credit : redx
Source : fREE2SW4U
Requirement (All Tools can be downloaded at "Useful Download" :
- Cheat Engine 5.6
- Browser ( FireFox )
- Flash Player 10
- Brain !!
- Go to Fish World by clicking above links
- After that , Buy or Sell an item
- Now Open Cheat Engine 5.6 , and select FireFox as process
- Make sure you setting/tick this following (Hex, 8bytes, Also Scan Read Only-Memory)
- Scan address "00000008E970408B"
- 1 address should returned
- Right click the address select "Disassemble this memory region"
- Right click the highlighted/selected code then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
- Viola !! You will notice that your coins turns 0
- Now , start spending ( DO NOT buy too many tanks )
- To sell it , on the top of the game screen , Click " Log Off"
- Then re-enter the game , now sell your fish to gain coins !
- Each time you re-enter the game , money will remain 0, but the experience the value can be saved!
- I Recommend you to not buy all , because some of them can't be buy