Credit : fREE2SW4U
This awesome exploit made by fREE2SW4U
In respect to him, I will reveal the cheat in the same way as him. This ensures that the cheat can be enjoyed by more people as not everyone will be able to share it.
Step 1: Decode the below image and you will immediately get the URL to view the full steps for the cheat
Well , you may asking me how to decode it ? GOOGLE is everything . search it .
Please make sure you not doing something stupid by posting the hack @ Playfish Forum .
Those who reveal the secret behind the image will be banned. Just keep it to yourselves because the cheat might patch anytime soon
Result :

If you still can't manage to decode the image , you are such a FAILURE .
a hacker must be patient , give up easily is not a hacker .
if you still fed up too find it , go to R2O Hacks Fan Page .
Tested and working 100%
Make sure you hack it fast or it might patch anytime soonThis awesome exploit made by fREE2SW4U
In respect to him, I will reveal the cheat in the same way as him. This ensures that the cheat can be enjoyed by more people as not everyone will be able to share it.
Step 1: Decode the below image and you will immediately get the URL to view the full steps for the cheat
Well , you may asking me how to decode it ? GOOGLE is everything . search it .
Those who reveal the secret behind the image will be banned. Just keep it to yourselves because the cheat might patch anytime soon
Result :
If you still can't manage to decode the image , you are such a FAILURE .
a hacker must be patient , give up easily is not a hacker .
if you still fed up too find it , go to R2O Hacks Fan Page .